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Do You Need a Very Loud Alarm Clock?

If you have trouble waking up in the morning, and you are pretty sure that no one would ever dream of calling you a morning person, you have probably slept through your morning alarm more than once. This can be a huge problem because that will often make you late for work or school, and not hearing an alarm clock is not an excuse that most accept. If you have problems waking up, you have to learn how to mix things up so you don't get use to one sound, and you may also have to invest in a very loud alarm clock. It may tick off your roommates or your spouse, but at least you will get up when you need to.

You can use your regular alarm clock for a while, but us a different strategy. Use it differently each time you use it, or change it up once a week. You can make this a very loud alarm clock by putting the volume up as high as it will go. See what alarms it offers, and use the radio feature as well. You will get use to one sound and you will get use to it and sleep right through it. Switch from beeps to a radio station, and then switch to a different station, even if you don't like the music. Then switch to static, which may also work for a few days. If you keep mixing it up, you may wake up when it goes off.

If that does not work for you, you may have to search out a very loud alarm clock that can change sounds and alarms as well. These are just going to be louder than the alarm you already own. Each alarm has a volume limit, so test them out if you can to see which ones are louder, or look for one that is advertised as being very loud for those that tend to sleep through most alarm clocks. You have to mix it up even when it gets louder, in order for it to jar you awake. Your brain gets use to sounds and will ignore them in favor of sleep after a spell, so change it up. You may be a bit cranky when this happens, but at least you will be up.

Once you buy a very loud alarm clock, you should notice a difference. However, if you are not getting up no matter what you do or what you try, there are some other changes that you need to make. You may want to leave some drapes open so the sun shines in in the morning. This will wake you up. You should also get more sleep at night. Even though you may not want to hear it, it may be time to start going to bed a half an hour or an hour earlier each night. Those that have trouble waking up are simply not getting enough sleep.

You can also skip the very loud alarm clock if you think something else would help you wake up each morning. There are some alarms that use light instead of sound. They slowly light up just like the sun would rise in the sky. This is supposed to be a natural way to wake up. If you already have trouble, this may not work well for you. If you can't leave windows open for morning sun, this might be a neat addition to your alarm clock. Perhaps the combination of both will help you rise and shine, and may even lighten your mood in the morning.
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