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Doctors who Commit Suicide Depression that Spares No One

Did you ever realize that doctors could be as prone to depression as any one of us? It happened in our town. A promising young physician who was well-respected in his profession and community and who had a vibrant young family, apparently struggled alone with a serious secret - he had fought a debilitating mental illness ever since high school. One day, at the hospital, he injected a terrible nerve toxin into his own system, went into shock and passed away. The one question that goes through anyone's mind upon hearing a story like this usually goes to wonderment about how a highly qualified medical professional who knows everything there was to know about suicide, depression and all related conditions, could himself succumb to something like this.

Perhaps the question is rather misguided. It's been common knowledge among mental health professionals that among doctors, the suicide rate is far, far higher than with regular people. Among women doctors, the suicide rate is 100% higher than with regular people; among male doctors, it is about 50% higher. Is there something about people who choose medicine that makes them prone to suicide, depression or allied conditions? Researchers have studied how students who enter medical school are just the same as anyone else in their tendencies to depression. It is pushing themselves insanely hard through medical school that brings them close to burnout, depression and all kinds of mental illnesses at scary rates. Somehow, even if medical students do practically live in a hospital, they are among the least likely to actually seek out help. All they do is to vent with destructive behavior like drug abuse and drinking.

Workplace harassment might be a cause too; as also a kind of mentality doctors are trained to have - they happen to be severely self-critical. Medical schools have begun to offer mental health services all over; but they haven't really managed to do anything about those statistics. Even today, one out of every ten medical school students seriously considers suicide, depression having had the upper hand in them. But depression needs to be differentiated from burnout. In burnout, the doctor student just loses interest in practicing medicine to a high standard. There's just a sense of detachment and uncaring. Those who suffer from depression on the other hand are merely deeply unhappy. They don't let it affect their work.
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