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Website Search Engines

You already know that if you want to find something on the Internet, you can go to any of the major search engines to find what you want with relative ease. This is the biggest and most popular way that people find web pages. In fact, without search engines, finding what you want could be the biggest pain, and most websites would never see the light of day. Along the same lines, if you own a website, you want to know that your visitors can find what they need without leaving your site to go somewhere else. This is why having your own website search engines is a great idea.

Without your own website search engines, people will go back to the major searches to find what they need. They will probably not end up on your site again. This is not what you want. Instead, you want to offer them a search that will only bring up results on your own web page. If they know you have something, but they can not find it quickly, they will move on to something else. That is just the nature of the way people use the Internet. Offer them a quick fix to find things on your site so that you can keep them there.

You can find a lot of software out there for your own website search engines. You can use any one that you want, but you should make sure it works. Have it search for things on your site and see how well it responds to your commands. Every single search works differently, which means it may not work well on your site. Don't guess about how good or bad it is. Take a good amount of time to test it out in as many ways that you can to make sure it performs. If it does not, find something else and give it the same rigorous workout before you commit.

Some web page packages some with a website search engines included. That can be great and can save you a whole lot of time searching for what you need elsewhere. You still have to test it though, and if it does not do what you want it to do, you may have to find a way to override it so that you can go out and find something else. Do any searches you think users would type in and then see how relevant the results are that show up. If you keep getting off the wall and unrelated results, the included search is not the one you should use.

You can often find that searches like Google offer up a website search engines that will work on your site alone. These often say something like 'powered by Google' beside the search box. There are two benefits to this. One is that most people trust Google, so they will not hesitate to use this search even though the results are just for your page. Also, Google does a great job of bringing up the right results for most searches. That means the search works and people stopping by are more likely to use it. That is what you are going for, so be sure to make the right choice.
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