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With more than just 3-D Video Games Nintendo Ds in

With more than just 3-D Video Games Nintendo Ds in 3D is a Winner

Ask anyone about what company comes to mind when they think about the cutting edge in consumer technology, and you are likely to hear the name Apple, to be sure. What other consumer technology company has stuck around for decades, routinely come to market with great technological innovations and shattered sales records the Way Apple has, they are sure to ask you. One hates to quibble, but hasn't anyone heard of Nintendo? If there is a name out there to adequately represent the excitement children feel in video games, the Nintendo DS has to be it. The regular DS that costs about $150, has sold nearly twice as many units as Apple has iPhones. Or how about the Wii? Remember how when it released almost concurrently with the PS3 a few years ago, they completely stole Sony's thunder? But the Wii really is beginning to look a bit old hat; the Kinect can do everything the Wii can, and so much more; and it can do it with high-quality graphics too. True innovation has been long overdue at Nintendo now. But the wait has been worth it. Have you caught a little bit of the magic yet that the 3DS, the world's first device capable of full-color glasses-free 3D motion is full of?

It may just be a tiny handheld game machine that costs an unimpressive $250; but Nintendo has somehow managed to pull off a truly remarkable feat in this. While 3-D TV and 3-D movies are capable of offering us truly pleasurable entertainment, there are always those glasses to worry about. And of course, with both kinds of 3-D experience, you basically look at the screen as if it were a window in which there was an astonishing amount of depth and that had things regularly flying out. With the 3DS, everything is just right there, right in front of you. Nintendo has somehow found a way to send information to each eye separately without any need for glasses. As long as you hold the device straight in front of you, with video games, Nintendo DS, can put out some remarkable depth.

They do warn you that if you have a child younger than seven, 3D may not be the best idea for your child. Apparently, a child's sense of sight isn't developed enough to comfortably process all of this. Playing video games, Nintendo DS, the 3-D version, doesn't tire your eyes out at all. But gaming isn't even the most remarkable part of what this device can do. What is astonishing about it is that it can play 3-D movies and streamed content from the Internet. They have a few deals in place with DreamWorks, Disney and other producers of movies for movie versions that will play properly on this device. And even that isn't completely it. It also includes a 3-D binocular camera that allows you to take 3-D pictures. While the main technology of what makes the 3-D possible isn't that revolutionary, Nintendo has again taken technology that other companies have access to and produced a unit that no one else could have. And it certainly is a must-have.
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