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Must-have Contents in a Womens Health Mag

Publishers all over the world understand that women are better readers than men. This explains why publications targeting women outnumber those targeting men. In the recent past, women have gone on record for craving better health. Again, publishers are capitalizing on this new awareness by publishing womens health magazines. A significant number of women however purchase the magazines only to be disappointed by the contents. Why for instance would a health magazine targeting women publish anything less than health-related topics? Well, for publishers who want to attract and retain a large female audience, there are several columns that the womens health magazines, regardless of their places of publication, must have.

For starters, any health magazine claiming to address women issues need to have a nutrition column. Just like the clich we are what we eat suggests, most women know that diet makes a significant contribution towards their well-being. Advice regarding nutrition would therefore make a welcome inclusion in any women health magazine.

The second important column in womens health mag would be the fitness column. In the day and age where attaining the desirable weight remains an insatiable urge for the womenfolk, advice on how to lose, gain or maintain weight at a particular level is appreciated by most women readers. Specifically, a fitness column with advice on how to improve womens body images would attract a wide readership audience. Writers should however avoid any sham fitness routines, since such would make the women readers lose faith in the health magazines.

Topics on sex and relationships also make a good read in any womens health mag. In addition to womens physical well-being, these two topics are meant to address sexual health as well as mental health, especially in relationships. The topics to be addressed in the sex and relationships segment are wide and varied and usually make an interesting read for most women.

Considering that women are interactive beings who like learning from others experiences, columns that encourage them to share health-related experiences would also make interesting columns in the womens health magazines. Sections where free expert advice is offered to women who present health-related questions are also ideal for such magazines.

One inclusion that would probably be featured in most womens health magazines, much to the happiness of readers, is a fashion column. However, an independent observer would question the validity of a fashion column within a womens health mag. There is a health aspect however to fashion too, and women know what some fashion items can do their health. Take for example the young women who insist on wearing stilettos while walking for long distances, or the middle-aged women who prefer wearing clothes made of synthetic fiber on tropical beaches. Overall, the content to include in a womens health mag is as diverse as humankind. It is therefore the responsibility of magazine publishers to study their prospective markets and determine the ideal content.
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