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I'm Cold.....

Of all the times, and as usual when the weather is at it's worst something happens to our heating, this time though its down to us, we didn't check the gas oil!
I am freezing, the electric fire I bought for the kitchen because the 2 radiators in there aren't powerful enough to keep the room warm,( in fact one doesn't even heat up!) has died a death.  The electric fire in the lounge is loosing the will to live, the cold air is whistling down the back of it and blowing more cold than warm.
We have the coal fire lit in the office, thankfully we had some coal brought down and am I pleased but hubby doesn't understand that once I get cold no matter how many layers I put on I don't warm up.  Changing from one room to the other makes me feel worse.  You have to pee after all!  We only have two rooms with any heating in, the lounge and the office.  I am thinking of packing my things and going to stay at my mam's empty house, although I think I would spend the night in tears if I did.
I am dreading going to bed, the wind is whistling through the walls up there!, by you certainly realise how poor insulation is when you have no heating and its windy outside.
What makes it worse is hubby is still in a short sleeve shirt walking around, he doesn't feel the cold, to be honest I never use to until I took ill with meso, now its a major issue for me.  It sets my bones aching and my meso seems to come to life.  I guess because I huddle into myself.
The dogs have had their runs out, I feel like I have just looked at a computer screen all weekend, the weather hasn't been kind to any of us.  This time last year it was at least 10 degrees warmer, the dogs don't seem to mind it, in fact Bear keeps eating the hard snow that is scattered around the garden.
Am working my way through a few typo errors in The DreamWeaver's Choice, to be honest I had forgotten quite a bit of the story so its nice to refresh my memory, especially as I have written quite a lot for the next one.  Some things in the first book obviously carry through into the next one.
I understand that Mavis received an award for her work with awareness from the USA organisation ADAO, well done Mrs Nye, spreading the word is important, if we can help stop someone today from being involved with asbestos it could save their life.
I was wondering the other day if asbestos that has been disturbed is why it is more dangerous than when our parents worked in it.  People today are being diagnosed a lot sooner and younger, no longer is it a man in his 70's, people as young as 20 are diagnosed, ok only a few, but still it is far too young.  Let us hope that asbestos will be banned in every country and that we don't just send it off to Asia for them to dispose of it and cause a major outbreak there in the future.
Well my fingers are frozen so I will call it a night, I hope that where ever you are you have warmth, remember to check your gas oil if you survive on it!
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