+ Completed ten months of intense cancer treatments- doctors were able to find chemo that shrunk the tumors enough to do surgery, getting clear margins (all the cancer out) at surgery, and getting the best possible radiation team for IBC
+ We had the most amazing support over the last ten months - so many months of meals delivered to our house, cards of encouragement showing up nearly every day, inspiring gifts from around the world, servant hearts over at my home each night helping take care of the boys, and most recently parents who watched the boys full time while at MDAnderson for radiation
+ God providing unexplainable peace throughout a very rocky and scary journey, He provided overflowing joy in the midst of what should be the saddest time in my life, He has grown Brad and me, increased our wisdom, and improved our perspective
+ That miraculously my cancer would not reappear metastatically (in my organs, skin, bones, or brain)- that somehow I would beat all the odds and not die from this disease
+ That I would be able to enroll in the right trial (most likely a vaccine one) at the right location with the right team - that this might be the way God is able to save me from a recurrence
+ That I would heal quickly (my radiation burns continue to get worse, even after radiation stopped...they said it should start to turn a corner and start improving 1-2 weeks after treatment ended); that I would be able to keep my incision clean and infection free (it has completely opened up- currently the open wound is 12in X 1in); that my skin would stop melting away and that my pain would be decreased/managed
+ That I would know the right balance between doing what needs to be done to take care of my kids and not overdoing it/allowing myself to heal (the kids weigh 22 and 33 lbs now and I'm only "suppose to be" lifting 5-10 lbs- oops!)
+ That my scans in 8 (ultrasound of my neck) and 12 weeks (PET scan) would not find cancer in my neck lymph nodes (that were not removed with surgery) or in the rest of my body; that I would finally be "No Evidence of Disease"
+ Completed ten months of intense cancer treatments- doctors were able to find chemo that shrunk the tumors enough to do surgery, getting clear margins (all the cancer out) at surgery, and getting the best possible radiation team for IBC
+ We had the most amazing support over the last ten months - so many months of meals delivered to our house, cards of encouragement showing up nearly every day, inspiring gifts from around the world, servant hearts over at my home each night helping take care of the boys, and most recently parents who watched the boys full time while at MDAnderson for radiation
+ God providing unexplainable peace throughout a very rocky and scary journey, He provided overflowing joy in the midst of what should be the saddest time in my life, He has grown Brad and me, increased our wisdom, and improved our perspective
+ That miraculously my cancer would not reappear metastatically (in my organs, skin, bones, or brain)- that somehow I would beat all the odds and not die from this disease
+ That I would be able to enroll in the right trial (most likely a vaccine one) at the right location with the right team - that this might be the way God is able to save me from a recurrence
+ That I would heal quickly (my radiation burns continue to get worse, even after radiation stopped...they said it should start to turn a corner and start improving 1-2 weeks after treatment ended); that I would be able to keep my incision clean and infection free (it has completely opened up- currently the open wound is 12in X 1in); that my skin would stop melting away and that my pain would be decreased/managed
+ That I would know the right balance between doing what needs to be done to take care of my kids and not overdoing it/allowing myself to heal (the kids weigh 22 and 33 lbs now and I'm only "suppose to be" lifting 5-10 lbs- oops!)
+ That my scans in 8 (ultrasound of my neck) and 12 weeks (PET scan) would not find cancer in my neck lymph nodes (that were not removed with surgery) or in the rest of my body; that I would finally be "No Evidence of Disease"
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