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Signs and Reasons For Learning Difficulties

If your child seems bright to you, but they are not doing so well in school, you may be wondering what is going on. Are they goofing off when they should be paying attention? Are they trying to seem less smart to fit in with children who may pick on them? Do they have genuine learning difficulties despite being smart in other area? These are all good questions. Before you slap an ADHD label on a child, do some digging first. While ADHD is a real learning disability for some children, far too many just assume that is why a child is under performing at school. There are other things that could be going on, and fixing them will not require medication.

Some children have learning difficulties because they can not pay attention but they do not have ADD or ADHD. It could be a boisterous and busy classroom setting that is hurting them. There are some children that can handle a lot of distraction and still do well, but some kids struggle even though they do not have ADHD. If you feel your child is just not getting the attention they need or that there is just too much going on in the classroom while study is ongoing, talk to your child's teacher about your child's learning difficulties. They may make some changes that make all the difference.

Some children have sight or hearing problems that have not been caught. These can lead to many learning difficulties in otherwise smart children. Some kids won't speak up to say that they can not see the board or hear the teacher, but these are both things that should be checked out. Talk to your child about problems seeing or hearing in class, and get their hearing and eyesight tested. One of these things may be the only reason why you child has learning difficulties. They may just need some glasses or help with hearing, or simply to sit closer to the front of the class.

Other children have learning difficulties that are a bit more serious. Just one of these is dyslexia. This is a serious learning problem that can hinder the brightest of students. This is usually something teachers can catch early, but some do not. They just assume the child has a lower IQ. These children can even end up in special education because teachers and parents have failed to consider learning difficulties that have nothing to do with IQ or ability to learn. With a little extra help, these kids can excel.

Sometimes, learning difficulties come about because a child has far bigger issues to worry about, and they can't concentrate on their school work. If your child has always done well, and suddenly brings home bad grades, see if they are behaving differently as well. It could very well be that they are being targeted at school by bullies to the degree that they stress so much schoolwork falls by the wayside. It could also be that they have gotten involved with the wrong crowd and are trying out drugs and drinking. Act swiftly so that each of those problems can be corrected as soon as possible.
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