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The Lemon Law can Help you (as Funny as the

The Lemon Law can Help you (as Funny as the Name Sounds)

With technology and manufacturing techniques as evolved as they are, are there any lemons out there still? There is a statistic for it - one out of 100 cars (new cars) driven out of the dealerships turns out to be a lemon. That's nearly 200,000 cars every year. What exactly is a lemon, you ask? It's a car that has problems that just cannot be fixed without expenses incurred that would make it unworthwhile. Every state has a lemon law to protect car buyers in these situations - where they are stuck with a car that just won't be fixed, and the manufacturer doesn't seem enthusiastic about taking it back. A lemon law gives you the right to claim a refund or a replacement.

So what is it mean to say that you're protected by the lemon law? According to most lemon laws, a car that's been driven less than 24,000 miles or one that is less than two years old is considered new enough to be covered. Of course, an exact definition of what constitutes a new car differs slightly from state to state. But most laws use figures that are close to these. For you to claim that you've been sold a lemon, you need to have a car that has a substantial problem, one that you have unsuccessfully tried to have fixed several times at the dealership. And of course, it should not be a problem that came out of abuse or poor maintenance practices (unless it was the dealer that was responsible for the poor maintenance practices).

What exactly is a substantial problem though? It could be anything from paint that won't stop the car from rusting to anything mechanical such as a door not closing properly. If for the problem in question, your car has spent a month out of the past year in a repair shop, if there is a serious defect that compromises the safety of your car that couldn't be fixed after the first repair attempt, or if there is some other kind of less -serious defect that couldn't be set right after three attempts, you can consider yourself the proud owner of a lemon.

So let's say that you find yourself stuck with a vehicle that seems to answer to all these. What exactly do you do to claim protection under the lemon law? The first thing you need to do is to call your manufacturer, and explain the situation. They may ask you to send over or fax over all the documentation you have to do with what you've tried so far at the authorized repair center. If they do the decent thing and offer you a refund or replacement, all's well. What if they only offer to refund you half the price of the car and not all of it? You could sue the manufacturer, of course. It could turn into a long drawn-out process then. You'll be asked to attend arbitration.

Arbitration is a safe option as long as you don't choose the manufacturer's own arbitrator. As long as you choose a court-appointed one, you should be in good hands. To make sure that everything goes well in the process, you need to come prepared with every scrap of documentation you have for what you have tried, to fix the defect. The more documentation you have, the safer your bet.
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