To start out, every tiny business should take advantage of Customer Relations Management (CRM) software that makes keeping in touch with business leads quite automatic. With CRM packages like BatchBook or SalesForce and services like MailMonkey in place, small businesses can automate their e-mail communications and look much more efficient and capable than they really are. But there are many more small business resources out there as well. There are even ideas that make traditional CRM software seem a bit clunky. Consider Gist, for instance. This is an online service that gives you a free way to manage everyone you know on your social networks and everyone you happen to have an e-mail address for. You get daily easy-to-read reports on everything that you've sent to them and heard from them on that day and you get a little information on the latest there is on those people on the Internet. Somehow, the software tries to make educated guesses about what you might be most interested in reading everyday and puts all of that on top. If there is stuff going on with a few of your contacts that you haven't been paying attention to, Gist can even wonder if you should pay attention to them. If you in a line of business where you need to keep in touch with dozens of people everyday and you need to get word of your business out on several social networks, Gist is for you.
Businesses run by one person often still need brochures, presentations, sales pitches and business plans. People have always done this by writing their ideas out on little cards and setting them out to try to blend everything into a single well-thought-out plan. When laptops came around, people tried to write them out out on their screens to try to see if it would work out better. There is a better idea now; it's called Text Block Writer. Of course, this is software that you put in your laptop. But it tries to mimic the index card idea right on your laptop.
It can be quite a headache to small businessmen to try to keep on top of all the invoicing, billing and expenses that go into the running of the business. Most accounting packages being far too complicated for a businessman who is pressed for time and trying to do it all himself, a new service called Wave Accounting offers a great alternative. It keeps your business and personal expenses separate, gets in touch with your credit cards and bank accounts, tabulates and categorizes everything correctly and gives you a nice simple idea of how you stand financially. One of the best small business resources on Wave Accounting is the way it helps you print out professional-looking invoices in no time flat.
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