Diet Tips

Drink those 8 glasses a day! Hmmph. Well, what are

Drink those 8 glasses a day! Hmmph. Well, what are the benefits of drinking water anyway?

The now familiar and somewhat annoying mantra of those eight glasses of water a day wears a bit thin for the uninformed consumer. Lots of us can't even stand the taste of water. What's so often missing from this mantra is the 'why' portion of the argument. With the benefits of drinking water left largely undefined, it's easy to say, No thanks!

Doctors and nutritionists, even the government gets in to the act. Why should you be gulping down water like there's no tomorrow? Hey, I don't even like the taste of water! Convince me! What are the benefits of drinking water?

Perhaps the easiest way to understand how good water is for you is to start from this perspective: If you were stranded out in the desert, your tongue parched and mouth dry, would you turn down a glass or three of water? Not likely! In such extreme circumstances, you'd have no trouble recognizing the benefits of drinking water. Yet, in ordinary life, with easy access to water, you may actually live in a constant state of semi dehydration, with your body suffering the consequences simply because you don't like the taste!

Maybe turning this coin over will help. What are the effects of not drinking water? Ladies, listen up ... we all want to enjoy a fresh, glowing complexion. Along with good nutrition, drinking sufficient amounts of water is a major contributor to beautiful skin. Haven't you ever noticed some of the older ladies, with lined faces and upper arms marked by what looks like stretch marks? These age markers serve to point out the benefits of drinking water which they might have enjoyed. Those eight glasses a day keep your skin naturally and attractively plumped up, for a younger look, always a plus!

Another important benefit of drinking water is that water helps flush your system of toxins and pollutants. These waste products, aside from contributing to disease, deprive your kidneys and digestive system, which can lead to kidney stones, kidney infections and constipation, while also hindering your body's efforts to natural blood cleansing.

Now here's the clincher, should you need more evidence or motivation of the benefits of drinking water. Drinking those eight glasses a day addresses weight issues as well! If it so happens that you want to drop a pound or two, you'll be well served by getting into drinking water throughout the day. If you drink a glass of water before a meal, that water tells your stomach it's already starting to feel full. You'll eat less and the water will enhance your digestion. The less you eat ... well, the result is obvious.

During the hot summer months, keeping your body well hydrated means you'll reduce your chance of heat stroke.

Now, what is there not to like about drinking all that water, now that you know the many benefits of drinking water? Look younger, keep your body functioning properly, clean out accumulated wastes and even lose weight! Hey, don't forget, heat stroke is bad news!
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