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Get Expert Stock Trading Advice Now

With the economy in such bad shape, many people are understandably worried about their investment portfolios. Most major financial markets have taken a beating in the past couple of years, leaving lots of investors with huge losses. But while this is probably a good time to reevaluate your overall strategy, it's not a wise move to pull out of the market completely. In fact, this could be the right time to buy -- particularly if you follow sound stock trading advice.

It seems that everyone and his brother has a hot tip about this or that trendy tech company, but that's not the kind of stock trading advice I recommend you listen to. Instead, it would be much better to get on board with a true expert who has years of experience and a proven track record to back up all profit claims. Doing this will give you the best chance of rebuilding your portfolio after recent losses and getting your retirement nest egg growing again.

But how can you differentiate between bad and good stock trading advice, especially when so many people out there claim to have the inside scoop? Well, probably the best way to do this is to go to a brokerage house and sit down for a consultation with a financial adviser. You should review a prospectus before the meeting, and then come up with a list of questions and talking points to discuss with the adviser. Your list should include your specific goals (such as whether you want growth or security), as well as questions about the firm's general short- and long-term investment strategies.

Be aware that just because a broker comes from a well-known firm, that doesn't mean his stock trading advice is foolproof. After all, just look at what has happened to formerly revered houses like Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. Ultimately, the burden of due diligence falls on your own shoulders, so be sure to check out all stock trading advice thoroughly before investing your money.

Another terrific way to get stock trading advice is to purchase a subscription for access to expert picks. These subscription services are usually available online, and entitle you to review data, charts, and analysis from independent brokers. This method has grown in popularity thanks to e-trading sites, and can yield tips that are every bit as worthwhile as those you would get from a major firm. Once again, however, you should never act on stock trading advice without considering the consequences should the tip not pan out as hoped.

Although many people instinctively want to pull back their investments when the market is losing ground, there is still money to be made on Wall Street. Armed with intelligent stock trading advice based on hard data and computer analysis, you can jump-start your portfolio no matter what the rest of the economy is doing!
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