Diet Tips

High glucose and you

If you've been to your doctor recently and he's warned you about high glucose, take heed. It's not a matter to be taken lightly.

The main risk of high glucose is an increased risk of diabetes, an inflammatory disease that effects nearly one in four americans. Diabetes causes the body to either stop producing or misuse insulin, the hormone that controls your blood sugar level, and can lead to black-outs, amputations or even death.

If you've been diagnosed with high glucose but aren't yet diabetic, count your blessings. A simple adjustment to your diet and exercise regimen can reboot your system and prevent you from become yet another statistic in the war on diabets.

First, you need to cut processed sugars out of your diet entirely. This means checking everything you eat for high fructose corn syrup, a synthetic sugar that's been connected to the surge in diabetes over the past four decades. High fructose corn syrup is actually sweeter than other types of sugars, so as a result your body produces more insulin to stabilize itself when ingesting it. Compared to something like carrots or an apple, both of which are naturally sweet and both of which your body has evolved to digest properly over millennia, high fructose corn syrup takes nearly three times the amount of insulin to maintain.

So that means when your blood sugar is low and you eat a few carrots to level it out, your body does not see that as feeding its sugar cravings and doesn't respond as it should. At this point you've basically poisoned your body into beliveing only candy or the like is actual sugar. That is not a good thing, as your high glucose can attest.

Get back to eating natural foods and avoiding stuff that can sit on your shelf for months. Natural means things like fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts and beans that haven't been processed in some factory. That's step one.

Step two is portion control. Americans overeat habitually, and even "good" sugars can be bad if taking in overlarge quantities. And as we're an overlarge nation these days, chances are that portion control is a problem.

The third step is taking control of your fitness. This means putting aside 20-25 minutes to exercise four times a week. It's not even legitimately a burden, and can help with everything from lowering your high glucose to raising your good cholesterol count.

The choice to be healthy and avoid diabetes is yours. Choose well.
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