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Legitimate Ways to Earn Money Now

Like most people, I've been strapped for cash recently as I try to outlast this recession. My hours at work have been reduced drastically, leaving me to try to make ends meet on lower take-home pay. I'm already draining my savings account to pay my monthly bills, so I need to find legitimate ways to earn money now. I've tried applying for a part-time job at fast food chains and stores like Wal-Mart and Target, but they get so many inquiries these days that they pretty much told me not to count on an interview. That means my only choice is to check online.

After spending a few days researching ways to earn money now, I think I've got a handle on how it's done. There are a variety of options, but I'm going to focus on the easiest ones for the time being since I'm not really looking for long-term results here. I just want something that will help tide me over until hours at my regular job pick back up.

Anyway, one of the most popular ways to earn money now is by selling items on eBay. To do this, all I need is a free eBay account (which I already have), and some stuff to sell. It can be anything from DVDs that I no longer watch, used books, jewelry, clothes, CDs, or whatever else I think people will buy. This could be a good way to earn money now -- and clear out some of the clutter in my house at the same time!

Another terrific way to earn money now is by taking paid online surveys. This used to be a time-consuming pursuit, but in recent years, a couple of good websites have sprung up to make the process a lot easier. These sites aggregate all the paid survey offers in one central location and serve as an intermediary for payouts. So instead of getting tons of checks for tiny amounts like $3 or $4, I can keep taking surveys until I accumulate $15 or $25 before requesting a check.

And finally, creating a website or blog can also help me earn money now. I can start a website or blog on just about any topic that suits my fancy, such as sports, knitting, stamp collecting, or photography. I can even start a fan page for my favorite celebrity or simply recount the daily happenings in my life. The topic really doesn't matter. Once I get my website or blog up and running, I can then place Google AdSense on the site to make cash whenever a visitor clicks the ads. Or, I can sign up with a paid blogging service and generate extra income by promoting various businesses and services.

I'm encouraged by all these easy ways to earn money now. I can start doing all of these things immediately without spending much up front, and should see results relatively quickly. I doubt that any of the activities I've talked about would be able to sustain my lifestyle without the help of a "real" job, but they should work as short-term aids.
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