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Should You Subscribe to Prepaid Legal Services?

Getting a lawyer can sometimes be a tricky proposition. On the one hand, not all of us have the financial wherewithal to come up with a dream team for whatever civil or criminal trial we're faced with. On the other hand, when you're on the wrong end of a court case, that's not exactly the time to be shopping around for a cut-rate attorney. There's probably a reason the person comes cheap, so do you really want to risk the outcome of your proceeding in that way? Most people wouldn't, which is why prepaid legal services could be a good option.

There are many reputable law firms and third-party providers that offer affordable prepaid legal services now. These plans work pretty much as you'd assume from the name. First, you sign up for a plan and make monthly payments. Then, if you find that you need an attorney, you're already covered. The kind of assistance you can receive depends on the particular prepaid legal services plan you sign up for. Most of the time, you'll just be entitled to basic stuff, such as consultations, drafting of wills, and do-it-yourself documents. If you need something more advanced, such as court representation, then you'll have to pay extra, but at least your prepaid legal services membership can result in a discount.

Because prepaid legal services are seen as a form of insurance, many companies offer opt-in plans for their employees as part of the benefits package. If your employer does this, then signing up through your human resources office is probably the best route to go, as the plan has already been screened and deemed a worthwhile investment.

If you can't get prepaid legal services through your employer, then you'll have to find an independent provider on your own. This will either be a local law firm that offers this type of plan, or a nationwide, third-party contractor that serves as a sort of a membership hub for people across the country who want prepaid legal services. Before enrolling, however, you should carefully read through all the benefits and entitlements you can receive as a member, and honestly evaluate whether or not you think you'll need them during the membership period. It could be that signing up for a more comprehensive plan or even holding off on enrollment for a short time would be your best move given the circumstances. Only you can make that decision.

Thousands of people around the nation have successfully used prepaid legal services to get immediate, professional assistance whenever it's required. If having access to an attorney without having to pay high retainer fees is something that you need or that will simply give you extra peace of mind, then consider enrolling in one of these plans today!
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