The first step in upgrading your Zune is to swap out the hard drive for something a bit more spacious. Lets be frank you can always use more storage, and its fairly simple to grab a bigger drive for your MP3 player and pop it in. An 80 gigabyte Toshiba drive will work just fine, or you can even rip one from an old iPod. Disassemble the casing of the Zune and install. Now doesnt that feel a little more spacious?
Are the restrictions for sharing songs on the Zune MP3 player getting you down? If you wirelessly grab a song from a friend, you can only listen to it three times before the Zunes software deletes it. But there is a way around this annoying restriction. First, download Microsofts .NET framework onto your computer, then get a copy of the free ZuneHDPatch software. This enables your computer to recognize the Zune as an external hard drive, not just a media player. With that done, run the Zune software and set it to syncing and you can now copy files back and forth to your PC. With the songs that you snagged from a friend, copy them to your hard drive and change their file extensions to .jpg. Add one real JPEG image to the folder and send it to a friends Zune. Sync that folder to a PC, change the file extensions back, and move the songs to your Zune and youve got permanent copies forever. Pretty slick!
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hacking and modifying the Zune MP3 player there are dozens of applications out there that let you do things as varied as download YouTube videos automatically to share files of any format. With a little hard work, you can turn that poor sad Zune into a multimedia juggernaut that can go head to head with any iPod in town.
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