You like reading the paper in bed at bed time right before you go to sleep. At least that's how it's supposed to work. Inexplicably, right after you set down the paper and switch off the lights and snuggle down, sleep never seems to actually come to you. What could it be? It is just possible that learning about every single depressing piece of financial news isn't the best possible sleeping environment you could think of. All you hear about in the papers these days is how we're going through a jobless recovery, how all the jobs seem to be going to the men and not the women, how your retirement fund isn't likely to be doing well and how you are unlikely to be able to retire until you're 72 - it just goes on. You know that you're not supposed to think of any of these things that bother you, because there's really nothing much you can do about them. But they can affect the way you sleep whether or not you think about them. So what you do when you can't even dream about the American dream anymore? Should you choose sleeping medicine? Is that what you have to resign yourself to?
Sleep therapists actually notice a strong connection between a major financial crisis and the sleep problems they have patients reporting. When Chrysler and GM were closing plants and dropping brands from their lines left and right, the towns that those plants were situated in had people coming to their doctors complaining bitterly of sleeplessness. It may be possible to intellectualize and understand most problems; when you know that your paycheck may no longer be a sure thing, it hits you where you live. It's your meal ticket, your pride, it's the very bed you rest your head on. Worse still, it is all these things for the people you love too. You just have no reason to want to sleep anymore, no matter how much you try to understand it with logic.
Surprisingly, doctors are of the opinion that sleeping medicine may be perfectly appropriate in these circumstances. Certainly, they try to help their patients with non-chemical remedies to begin with - relaxing, staying away from looking at the news, yoga - these things can only work up to a point though. Doctors certainly recognize when routine advice hasn't a chance of working. In these circumstances, doctors generally stay away from prescribing regular over-the-counter medicine like antihistamines. Those just gets people feeling hungover and sleepy all of the following day. What they do instead is to prescribe hypnotic medication to try to break a pattern of poor sleep that the patient has been going through for weeks. It'll take a little discussion with your doctor to decide how long exactly you are to be on this sleeping medicine.
Some of the newest sleeping medicine, products like nonbenzodiazepines are great in the way they don't addict you. When you feel that your sleeping problems are under control, you can stop taking them and you will be none the worse for it. Sometimes, when you're worried about your financial situation, an antidepressant may work a lot better.
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