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Walmart's Sexual Discrimination Lawsuit - will the Women Employees Win?

Walmart's Sexual Discrimination Lawsuit - will the Women Employees Win?

No matter what happens to Walmart, it has to be really huge. Take the sexual discrimination class action lawsuit that many of Walmart's female employees are bringing against the company. It's the biggest lawsuit of its kind in history. And the company, if it loses in the Supreme Court, will have a compensation bill worth billions of dollars on its hands.

Let's look a little more closely into the nature of the complaint. What happens to women who work in Walmart (and by the Way, Costco has a case just like this on its hands too), is usually instantly recognizable to women who work in any company. Some of the testimony that's come out of the Walmart sexual discrimination lawsuit reads like this - business meetings for Walmart managers are held in Hooters restaurants. And of course, women managers have to always go to Hooters for these meetings as well. Male managers always call female employees, girls. Female employees at Walmart often have their male managers disciplining them harshly and rudely, while male employees get by quite easily. And Walmart's policy of frequently transferring managers often makes it difficult for female management employees to keep up. Since they have a family to tend to.

Certainly, a clear-cut case of sexual discrimination such as this should be an easy win for the women plaintiffs. But it is not. Would you ever guess that this is a case that's be inching through the justice system for a full decade now? What makes it very disturbing though is that it's up to the Supreme Court to decide what happens with this case at this point. The Supreme Court, to begin with, is conservative; and they like to favor business interests over women's rights. Any class action lawsuit that's ever come up, like the one by workers who suffered asbestos poisoning, the Supreme Court has usually not granted the plaintiffs much. And they are known to let businesses in question off the hook with little penalty.

Walmart, a place of employment where male managers routinely tell female employees to "doll up" (as if it was any of their business), could conceivably actually lose this case in the end when a ruling is handed down in the middle of the year. And they could have to pay out $25 billion. The problem is though that even such a mega-huge payout wouldn't really affect their business. After all, they do half a trillion in sales every year. That's the size of their operation. This kind of award isn't really going to make a real dent on their bottomline. But Walmart has a better plan. They've already succeeded in dragging this thing out for a full 10 years. They're trying to win a war of attrition here. If it gets to be much longer, the women employees involved could get tired and be more receptive to an out-of-court settlement. Which is exactly what any company involved in a sexual discrimination lawsuit would really want.
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