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Tips on vegetable garden layouts that work for you and

Tips on vegetable garden layouts that work for you and your veggies!

With the cost of fresh produce climbing, the post World War II 'victory garden' is experiencing a renaissance in the home gardening community. Not only does this concept make good financial sense, but certainly adds to the nutritive value of family meals. However, vegetable garden layouts must be carefully planned for the best results. Here we've got some tips on planning vegetable garden layouts that work for you and produce bountifully.

1. In order to maximize the amount of sunlight your plants receive, always arrange your beds in a north-to-south alignment. Most vegetables require a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight throughout the growing season. As your lot allows, try for getting as close to 8 hours of sun exposure for maximum yields.

2. For ease of maintenance, plan beds that are between 3-4 feet wide. This allows you to reach all areas of the beds without stepping in to the soil, which keeps your soil from becoming compacted.

3. Plan for 2-3 foot pathways in between each bed, to allow for easy movement between each bed. Covering pathways with gravel or 2-3 inches of mulch suppresses weed growth, reducing your garden maintenance tasks, as well as providing a sturdy footing.

4. Vegetable garden layouts which employ raised beds assure you of a good, friable soil which promotes healthy root systems, good yields and a bed which is easily prepared and replenished for each successive planting season. Raised beds also make your planting, weeding and other maintenance tasks easier, as you have a place to sit, eliminating the bending and kneeling required with a ground-level bed.

5. If your lot is sloping, raised, terraced beds may be the way to go. Again, remember that vegetable garden layouts should run in a north-to-south alignment, and should allow for adequate pathways between beds.

6. Don't forget to make use of existing fences and trellises. Vining vegetables, such as pole beans and cucumbers are attractive and easy to manage and maintain when trained against fences and trellises. You may also realize larger yields with the greater sun exposure.

Vegetable garden layouts can be simple and straightforward, or be laid out in interesting shapes, such as the Medieval knot and herb garden patterns.

Using these tips, you're off to a great start! Enjoy your bountiful harvest you may find you've got plenty to share with friends and neighbors, which ought to make you a pretty popular gardener. Bon Appetit!
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